Microformats use two subsets of ISO 8601 standard to describe dates and times. ISO 8601 is an expansive standard which contains a large number of different ways to represent dates and time. To reduce the possibility of errors and the complexity for authors, the community has chosen to restrict the supported formats used in microformats. These restricted subsets are called profiles. The two profiles that can be used for microformat dates are the W3C Note datetime profile and RFC 3339 profile.
This code takes either of the two profiles and returns a date time formatted to the W3C Note DateTime Profile.
This code takes the two dates in either profile and compares them to see if they are equal.
W3C Note datetime - summary of rules which create the subset profile
W3C Note datetime profile - valid structures 2007 2007-05 2007-05-01T11:30 2007-05-01T11:30Z 2007-05-01T11:30:00Z 2007-05-01T11:30+08:00 2007-05-01T11:30:00+08:00 2007-05-01T11:30:00.0135
RFC 3339 - summary of rules which create the subset profile
RFC 3339 profile - valid structures 2007 2007-05 2007-05-01T11:30 2007-05-01T11:30Z 2007-05-01T11:30:00Z 2007-05-01T11:30+08:00 2007-05-01T11:30:00+08:00 2007-05-01T11:30:00.0135 200801 20080121 20070501T1130 20070501T113015 20070501T113015Z 20070501t113025z 2007-05-01T113025 20070501T11:30:25
Although the following formats may be valid ISO structures they are not part of the two profiles use for microformats and should not be used.
070501 07-05-01 20070501 1130 20070501 113015Z 2007-05-01 11:30:00+08:00 2007-05-01 11:30:00.0135 2007-05-01T11.0150 2007-05-01T11:30.0150 2008-W21 2008W21 2008-W21-5 2008W215 2008-144 2008144 etc...
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