Ufxtract test suite

Microformats API proxy

The web based API’s for microformats parsers provide differing options. There are two options which are required for the microformats testrunner. The first is the ability to target individual fragments of a page and the second is to provide a JSON-P callback option. This proxy allows you to add these two features to existing web API's.


For hKit
serviceurl = http://tools.microformatic.com/query/json/hkit/[url]
fragmentid = uf
url = https://ufxtract.com/testsuite/hcard/1.0/hcard1.htm
callback = myFunctionName

For Optimus
serviceurl = http://www.microformatique.com/optimus/?uri=[url]&format=json&filter=[format]
fragmentid = uf
url = https://ufxtract.com/testsuite/hcard/1.0/hcard1.htm
format = hcard
callback = myFunctionName