Microformats test suite

hCalendar 1 - single occurrence test

This page was design to test that values of a hCalendar which are meant to have only a single occurrence are parsed correctly. The IsEqualToISODate method uses date normalisation and compare methods.

From: hCalendar test suite 1.0

Author: Glenn Jones


Test Result Comment
vevent[0].summary IsEqualTo("Barcamp Brighton 1") The summary is a singular value
vevent[0].duration IsEqualTo("P2D") The duration is a singular value
vevent[0].dtstart IsEqualToISODate("2007-09-08") The dtstart is a singular value
vevent[0].dtend IsEqualToISODate("2007-09-09") The dtend is a singular value
vevent[0].location IsEqualTo("Madgex Office, Brighton") The location is a singular value
vevent[0].description IsEqualTo("Barcamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire to share and learn in an open environment.") The description is a singular value
vevent[0].url IsEqualTo("http://www.barcampbrighton.org/") The url is a singular value
vevent[0].class IsEqualToCaseInsensitive("Public") The class is a singular value
vevent[0].dtstamp IsEqualToISODate("2007-05-01") The dtstamp is a singular value
vevent[0].last-modified IsEqualToISODate("2007-05-02") The last-modified is a singular value
vevent[0].uid IsEqualTo("guid1.example.com") The uid is a singular value
vevent[0].status IsEqualToCaseInsensitive("Confirmed") The status is a singular value
vevent[0].geo HasProperty(true) The geo is a singular value
vevent[0].contact HasProperty(true) The contact is a singular value
vevent[0].organizer HasProperty(true) The organizer is a singular value


Barcamp Brighton 1

2 day event.
8 - 9 September 2007
Loaction: Madgex Office, Brighton
Barcamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire to share and learn in an open environment.
This meeting is public.
Created: 1 May 2007
Last modified: 2 May 2007
Ref: guid1.example.com
Status: Confirmed
Northern California
Contact: John Doe
Managed by: Example Company

Some rights reserved